Karl Bastian's Kidmin Talk

Kidmin Talk #207 - How to Keep Going When You Want to Quit

Karl Bastian Episode 207

Ministry is rewarding, but let’s be honest — it can also be exhausting and downright discouraging. Have you ever felt overlooked, weary, misunderstood, or even attacked? In this episode of Kidmin Talk, we’re diving into the Kidmin Mandate—our Scriptural call to press on, not for recognition or approval, but because we serve the Lord. Drawing from Scripture and personal experience, Pastor Karl shared how he keeps going when everything inside says, "Quit!" You'll find renewed strength and purpose in your calling. Listen in and be encouraged — your work matters!

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Mentioned on the Show Today:

EGGspectacular Game Show
High Fivers Camp Curriculum
Bible Baseball
Birthday Postcards
Paper Airplane Fair

Kidmin Talk is the Podcast of Pastor Karl Bastian, founder of Kidology.org and host of KidminTalk.com. He is a children’s pastor, speaker and entertainer. His life mission is to Equip and Encourage those who minister to children.

Listen to past editions of this podcast at KidminTalk.com


Follow Karl:
Blog: Kidologist.com
Twitter: @Kidologist
Instagram: @KarlBastian or @Kidologyorg