Karl Bastian's Kidmin Talk
Kidmin Talk is the podcast of Pastor Karl Bastian, aka the "Kidologist," creator of Kidology.org. Karl is a full time children's pastor in Denver, Colorado. He founded Kidology in 1994 pioneering the Internet for children's ministry before Google, YouTube and Yahoo even existed. Visit Kidology.org for thousands of helpful resources, curriculum, recruiting tools, training and much more. Questions, comments, feedback or sponsorship inquiries can be sent to karl@kidmintalk.com.
NOTE: There is an older "Kidmin Talk" from 2008 that goes through episode 141 that Apple refuses to delete due to obsolete tools - THIS is the one you need to be subscribed to. Thanks for your support.
Karl Bastian's Kidmin Talk
Kidmin Talk #205 – Ask Karl Anything + Special Interview with/ Major Movie Producing CEO
In this 205th episode of Kidmin Talk, we’re kicking things off with a special interview with Kevin Downes, CEO of Kingdom Story Company, about their upcoming film, Unbreakable Boy, hitting theaters on February 21st. They created Jesus Revolution, I Can Only Imagine, The Greatest Christmas Pageant Ever, and now Unbreakable Boy starring Zachary Levi.
Then, it’s an “Ask Karl Anything” edition! Pastor Karl tackles your questions on:
• Creative ways to help kids understand and apply the Bible
• Balancing fun with deep biblical teaching
• Encouraging more consistent church attendance
• Recruiting more men into kids’ ministry
• Inspiring kids to invite their friends to church
Karl shares some fun ideas and practical tips you can start using in your ministry right away.
Mentioned on the Show:
• Learn more about Unbreakable Boy: UnbreakableBoy.movie
• it Bible Curriculum: Kidology.org/exploreit
• Kidology Theorems Book: Kidology.org/theorems
• Kid’s Church Cookbook (Limited Offer!): Kidology.org/cookbook
(Listen for how to get a free copy)
• Super Sundays Ideas: Kidology.org/supersundays
• Nerf Wars: Kidology.org/nerfwars
Share with Kidology.org/kidmintalk205
Kidmin Talk is the Podcast of Pastor Karl Bastian, founder of Kidology.org and host of KidminTalk.com. He is a children’s pastor, speaker and entertainer. His life mission is to Equip and Encourage those who minister to children.
Listen to past editions of this podcast at KidminTalk.com
Follow Karl:
Blog: Kidologist.com
Twitter: @Kidologist
Instagram: @KarlBastian or @Kidologyorg