Karl Bastian's Kidmin Talk

Kidmin Talk #204 - I'm Not Joshin' You! Kids Need to Question Their Faith

Karl Bastian Episode 204

Let's talk sharing faith, allowing kids to question theirs, and learn about website Karl runs that you've never heard of! When Karl was in junior high, his dad pulled him out of school to attend a life-changing Josh McDowell conference. That experience helped Karl see that faith isn’t about blindly believing but owning what you believe and understanding it’s a faith that can stand up to tough questions. In this episode, Karl reflects on that powerful experience and shares how we, as ministry leaders, can encourage kids to explore their faith, ask hard questions, and make their faith their own.

Plus, Karl shares a poem from his high school Philosophy class that earned him a big fat "F" — a grade he’s still proud of today!

And finally, Yosemite Summit 2025 is live! This incredible UNconference for Men in Ministry is a time to connect with other leaders, recharge in the beauty of nature, and deepen your walk with God. Visit YosemiteSummit.org for all the details and to register.

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Kidmin Talk is the Podcast of Pastor Karl Bastian, founder of Kidology.org and host of KidminTalk.com. He is a children’s pastor, speaker and entertainer. His life mission is to Equip and Encourage those who minister to children.

Listen to past editions of this podcast at KidminTalk.com


Follow Karl:
Blog: Kidologist.com
Twitter: @Kidologist
Instagram: @KarlBastian or @Kidologyorg