Karl Bastian's Kidmin Talk
Kidmin Talk is the podcast of Pastor Karl Bastian, aka the "Kidologist," creator of Kidology.org. Karl is a full time children's pastor in Denver, Colorado. He founded Kidology in 1994 pioneering the Internet for children's ministry before Google, YouTube and Yahoo even existed. Visit Kidology.org for thousands of helpful resources, curriculum, recruiting tools, training and much more. Questions, comments, feedback or sponsorship inquiries can be sent to karl@kidmintalk.com.
NOTE: There is an older "Kidmin Talk" from 2008 that goes through episode 141 that Apple refuses to delete due to obsolete tools - THIS is the one you need to be subscribed to. Thanks for your support.
Karl Bastian's Kidmin Talk
Kidmin Talk #185 - What REAL Ministry Success Looks Like
Kidmin Talk #185- What REAL Ministry Success Looks Like
In a very vulnerable live keynote presentation a few years ago, Pastor Karl talks about what real ministry success looks like. He explains why he will never coach leaders on "brand development" or share secrets to growing a business, in part because while God has granted him business success over the years and a well-known brand, he never pursued either. Real success has nothing to do with either.
He posits the question, "What will be the measure of your life?" The answer may surprise you.
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Featured Resource: KIDCHECK Learn more at Kidology.org/kidcheck
Enjoy Karl's other podcasts at KidminTalk.com
Kidmin Talk is the Podcast of Pastor Karl Bastian, founder of Kidology.org and host of KidminTalk.com. He is a children’s pastor, speaker and entertainer. His life mission is to Equip and Encourage those who minister to children.
Follow Him:
Blog: Kidologist.com
Twitter: @Kidologist
Instagram: @KarlBastian or @Kidologyorg