Karl Bastian's Kidmin Talk
Kidmin Talk is the podcast of Pastor Karl Bastian, aka the "Kidologist," creator of Kidology.org. Karl is a full time children's pastor in Denver, Colorado. He founded Kidology in 1994 pioneering the Internet for children's ministry before Google, YouTube and Yahoo even existed. Visit Kidology.org for thousands of helpful resources, curriculum, recruiting tools, training and much more. Questions, comments, feedback or sponsorship inquiries can be sent to karl@kidmintalk.com.
NOTE: There is an older "Kidmin Talk" from 2008 that goes through episode 141 that Apple refuses to delete due to obsolete tools - THIS is the one you need to be subscribed to. Thanks for your support.
Karl Bastian's Kidmin Talk
Kidmin Talk #176 - Raising Kids Who Can STAND STRONG
KIDMIN TALK #176 Raising Kids Who Can Stand Strong
Parents and Kids Ministry Leaders know that raising kids today is MORE than challenging - at times it's scary. Our world is determined to lead our children away from God and more aggressively than we could have even imagined just a few years ago. Shocking statistics are posted daily of kids leaving the faith and the church. How are we to respond? The answer hasn’t changed. God provided the formula for raising kids who can stand strong against the world in HIs Word and it’s still not only the best but the ONLY strategy that works.
Today on Kidmin Talk I’m presenting a keynote address I gave years ago on this topic. While the calendar says some years have passed, the content is as relevant as if I had presented it this week. In fact, it is likely more needed now than even when I originally gave it.
It’s a message not only for church leaders but for parents too. It will give leaders ideas for how to challenge parents but will give parents practical and real-life ideas on where they can start today to prepare their kids so they will be ready when the time comes to stand on their own.
Mentioned on the Show:
Kidology Family Table Talkers